The unveiling ceremony of the book “Diplomacy at the Level of the Revolution” published by Al-Hoda International Publication was held at the 34th Tehran International Book Fair on Sunday, May 24. This book contains statements from the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution on the principles and cultural foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The ceremony was held in the presence of Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour, head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, Reza Maleki, director of the Center of Strategic Studies and Cultural Relations of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization, and the supervision of Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Asadi Mowahed, CEO of Alhoda International Publishing and Cultural Institute.
Why this Title?
After reciting verses from the Holy Quran and playing the national anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mehdi Imanipour, head of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization, said: “The architect of the Islamic Revolution of each country is the leader of that country.” The main helmsmen are also the rulers of each country. The primary readers of this book are politicians and statesmen, however, reading it is recommended for any grade. From the Supreme Leader’s point of view, the diplomacy of the Islamic revolution must be at the level of the revolution.
After quoting the Supreme Leader of the revolution that “culture is more important than the economy”, the head of the Islamic Cultural and Communications Organization said: For this reason, due to its vast scale, entry into the field of culture and cultural activities must be efficient and continuous, accompanied by the management of leadership, and the jihad movement. Culture is the realm of diplomacy, not a tool.
He said: War has become a serious issue these days. Women have the first voice in diplomacy. We need to discuss this topic. While travelling in Russia with my family, one of the Russian women told us that Iranian women have great privileges. If I had such privileges, I would wear the veil. The Russian woman appreciates the status of the Iranian woman so highly. There are restrictions on women abroad. women in the Islamic Revolution have a dignified position. We have a governing body headed by women.

The Field of Peace and Friendship
When asked how peace can be achieved, Hujjat al-Islam Mohammad Mehdi Imanipur replied: How can peace be made between the Zionist regime as a rich country and Palestine as a weak country? A lasting peace can only be made within the framework of justice. It should be noted which countries enter other countries with good intentions. Advertisements must be eye-catching to convey the message of the Islamic Revolution to the world. To do so, we must act according to Islamic logic. This logic is based on three things: good publicity, removal of sensibility and connecting hearts.
Characteristics of A Cultural Manager
The head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization further explained, citing the words of the Supreme Leader: Various institutions require governing bodies and contracts, and the titles must be retained in those institutions, otherwise the institutions are meaningless. According to the Supreme Leader, quality is more important than quantity.
He continued: We must know the international field well and learn the domestic parts. These factors affect speed and progress. A culture manager must be thoughtful, hardworking, realistic and practical.
The Importance of the Persian Language and its Spread
Imanipour said about the Persian language: With the spread of the Persian, people have become better acquainted with the most important facts about this country. People who can communicate in Persian can more easily get to know Persian culture. Our main problem is that of storytelling because we are not doing good advertising. No one has invited this crowd to the book fair, but they voluntarily welcome it. We and the media are powerless to portray these events.
The head of the Islamic Culture and Communication Organization admitted: We are also not good at introducing prominent figures, just like how people describe the great character of Imam Khomeini abroad. Only the political image of the Imam comes to mind when talking about him, but everyone`s image changes when it is said that he was a moral teacher.

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At the end, he said: This short document examines the capabilities of the book publishing industry and Iranian publishers and provides a suitable platform for cultural economy exchanges with the rest of the world. The purpose of this project, carried out by the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Vice-Chancellor of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance is to expand the cultural presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the international space, strengthen the cultural economy and increase the export of social and cultural products of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
At the end of the conference, an educational clip was shown in three languages.